Solid coding foundations

14 Feb 2020

Coding standards

Learning a programming language takes a lot of dedication and effort. If you don’t learn a programming language without a solid coding standard, I believe that you will have a really hard time grasping everything you need to be fluent in that language. That is why I sincerely believe that some coding standards do help you to learn a programming language because some things will get a lot clearer in terms of its functionality when you implement coding standards. For example, when someone doesn’t indent loops and lines of code, it might be hard to understand what is exactly going to happen since the code is bunched up. In Javascript, using let or const instead of var will help you understand the basics of creating a variable in Javascript, and also help keep your code less prone to errors.

Learning to maximize ESLint

There are many tools for analyzing code standards available to people, and I think that ESLint is one example of a very useful code checking utility. I have to say that coming into learning how to use ESLint with IntelliJ in ICS 314 has been very similar to the process of learning how to use another integrated development environment called Eclipse. In my ICS 211 class, I had to learn how to use JUnit test cases with Eclipse, and I think it is very similar to what we are doing now with learning how to use ESLint with IntelliJ. I find every time, that getting the green checkmark at the top right is just absolutely satisfying. It is just a way for me to know that I properly followed the coding standards set in ESLint, which makes me happy because I think every software engineer should have a solid coding standard. You can help yourself with keeping your code clean and precise, but it also helps others read and understand your code too, which I think is very important for my future in the software engineering department.

The importance of coding standards

I think that coding standards are very useful since it helps me understand my code better, and it helps me read other’s code since they might also follow the same standards. When you compare how fast you can intake information when reading code, I think it is guaranteed that you will be able to process code faster when coding standards are met than when they are not. I believe it is important and useful to have these coding standards so that we can all improve our efficiency.